
  • Finding my Book in Waterstones

    Finding my Book in Waterstones

    waterstones 1I know, I know. It’s not cool. I’m sure Richard Osman doesn’t squeal and do a little happy dance every time he walks int Waterstones or Blackwells, but I’m not cool, OK? Never have been and I’m not going to start now.
    I’m going to tell the assistants that it’s my book and would they like it signing. I’m going to get a ‘Signed by the Author’ sticker on the front. I’m going to take photos and I’m very much going to move it to the eye-level shelf and make sure it is front out, not spine out.

    And do a little happy dance.

    40 Days with Labyrinths

    You can read an extract in the Church Times, by clicking this link

    Here’s a review from Amazon:

    40 Days with labyrinths is available from the publishers (DLT with a sale on at the mo, I think, try the discount code SPRING), from Amazon, Eden, Barnes and Noble, all other good bookshops (if yours doesn’t have it on the shelves, get them to order it in) and, of course, Waterstones.

  • Having a high old time in Cumbernauld

    I set off at 6:30 this morning, powered through the early-commuter traffic to a pit stop north of Birmingham (oh, blessed A6 Toll!) and lunch at Kendal. Then I dropped off my co-driver and drove slack-jawed at the the scenery up to Cumbernauld, midway between Glasgow and Edinburgh.

    If you are given to motorway driving, I thoroughly recommend the M73/74 north of the Lakes; it is truly superb, and the A6 over Shap Fell is gob-smackingly lovely.

    To cap it all, there was a full rainbow travelling with me for most of the journey. As a Christian, I see that as a symbol of God’s faithfulness (Genesis something or other), so I was very buoyed up by the time I arrived at a mega-swish hotel and given the keys to  king-sized deluxe suite. I have DOORS between the two parts and I have lived in entire houses smaller than the bathroom! (OK, that last bit’s an exaggeration.)

    We had a posh din-dins (Pan-fried this, roasted Mediterranean that and more knives and forks that I have in my house) then I gave my adjudication of the drama competition (half of the reason I’m here). Tomorrow morning I’m going to skip out of the other adjudications and give myself some free time before my workshop at 11:30 (‘Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast’, the other half of the reason I’m here). After that, I can do what I like. Woo-jolly-hoo!

    But now it is 10:30 and I have been on the go for over sixteen hours. So I’ll say good night all. Follow me on Instagram for more pics.

  • Interview with a famous author – or not

    Interview with a famous author – or not

    095 Kline Studios medDelighted to see that Darton, Longman and Todd’s blog has published another in their series of interviews with famous authors – except this time they got it wrong and interviewed me!

    I talk about about labyrinths and my latest book, 40 Days with Labyrinths, which is proving very popular. Available from Amazon, Eden, WH Smith and all good bookshops

    Here’s the author trying to look glamorous and professional. Do you like the top? It came from a charity shop in Leeds where my daughter works.

    Pop along to the DLT Book Blog to read all about it (the book, not the top), and remember that there’s still (I think) a massive 35% discount if you buy the book directly from their website, dartonlongmantodd.co.uk with the code labyrinths.

    To keep you up to date, here are the latest stops on the blog tour. Do visit these lovely people and see what other interesting things they’re writing about:

    I’m off to church later today to help with the building of a full-sized labyrinth in the grounds at the back. More news of that in another post.

    Bye for now,


  • Proper job?

    Proper job?

    A thought-provoking post from Nick Lear of Nuclear Fishing. (Baptist minister and magician!) Our words matter – quite a challenge!


    On my bookshelf I have a book that has sentimental value. It was my grandfather’s book, and he has written his name in it. The book is ‘Yap’ by Jan Stewer. I would be amazed if any of you have read it. The Jan Stewer books are about a Devonian chap (the eponymous Jan) and his misadventures with the ‘modern’ world. It’s written in the Devon vernacular and I think you have to either read it aloud in that accent or give your internal monologue a Devonian accent to be able to understand it. Let me share with you a snippet: Jan is watching a game of golf… watching someone line up for a shot off the tee:

    Then he started itchin’ his veet as if he was squaishin’ a black-biddle. Next he beginned to wriggle his body, like a chap with a flay in the middle of his back…

    View original post 351 more words

  • Putting the ‘Pro’ in Procrastination

    Putting the ‘Pro’ in Procrastination

    Ever had that feeling that you’re in over your head?

    Ever said ‘yes’ to an invitation and then regretted it?

    Just before Christmas I submitted a paper to a theological journal for peer-review and then had an invitation to review someone else’s paper. Hmmn, OK. Fair enough. Someone has to do it. I suppose.

    But me? They do realise that I’m not a prof or a doc or anything, don’t they?

    I worry when I get emails inviting me to address conferences addressed ‘Dear Dr Rowland’. They do realise, don’t they?

    They don’t really want me assessing someone’s paper. They want someone who’s a lecturer in New Testament at a theology college. Not someone who’s got a grad dip.

    So I said yes, of course. I’d have kicked myself for a decade if I hadn’t.

    Then I procrastinated like I was training for the Procrastination Olympics.


    But then I finished the book launch and the weekend away and the display boards and cleaning the bathroom and that jigsaw and … and … and I didn’t have any more excuses, and it wasn’t as intimidating as I’d thought. Actually, it was quite fun.

    I can be an idiot sometimes. (Ooh! News!)

    paper review



  • Back at Launde, and lovin’ it

    Back at Launde, and lovin’ it

    road to laudeYesterday was a whirl of last-minute laminating (don’t you just hate that?), cramming an entire bookstall into the boot of a borrowed car, and (Oxford comma) navigating the VERY narrow roads on the way to Launde Abbey.

    You get there over a cattle grid through sheep pastures and, yes, the sheep have right-of-way. Photo from earlier; it wasn’t as sunny as this yesterday, but another guest saw four pheasants sat on a fence watching her drive past.

    I love coming into the Abbey grounds. The cattle grid at the border is at the top of a rise and the Abbey nestles in the valley below. I pause as I go through the gates and breathe in the peace and grace that surrounds the place. It seems to ooze from the stone walls and flow out like waves of mist into the grounds. 

    I want to live here one day.

    But on with the busy-ness. Here’s my lovely bookstall. It’s the first time using my new display boards. Can you believe I found these in a charity shop? (Buy second-hand, folks. Better for your planet, better for your pocket.) 

    So here it is, and all the lovely books. Eleven titles now, with the launch of 40 Days with Labyrinths. How did that happen? Sadly, the big A3 poster of 40 Days that I ordered did not arrive in time, so the display is a little ‘bitty’, but there you go.

    Anyway, must dash now, next meeting in two mins. The Diocese of Peterborough’s Lay Ministry weekend waiteth for no (wo)man!



  • Unboxing 40 Days

    Unboxing 40 Days

    It has to be done, doesn’t it? You can’t get a big, juicy box of books and not make a video about opening it.

    How is a girl supposed to resist? Well, she isn’t, and I didn’t, so here it is.
    Enjoy.  xxfaysig

    Just in case you need it again, here’s that discount code.

    dartonlongmantodd.co.uk code: labyrinths

  • It’s starting!

    It’s starting!

    It’s starting! My new book is being launched tomorrow at Launde Abbey and the first of the blog tours has just hit the airwaves.

    Pop along to the Raggy Rat blog to see what the lovely Catherine Owen has written, and while you’re there, look at her lovely collection of adorable recycled fabric animals and other textile crafts. The tag on this bear, constructed from T-shirts, says ‘Made from clothes I used to wear. Hold them close and feel me near.’ What a lovely keepsake.

    I also love the ‘art for the hands’ tactile mats, perfect for the very young or those with dementia.

    Here’s the full link: https://raggyrat.blogspot.com/2023/01/40-days-with-labyrinths.html

    More blogs coming soon.

  • Labyrinth Workshops

    Labyrinth Workshops

    You know that Shrove Tuesday is only four-and-a-half weeks away, right?

    Panic not, fair reader. I have the perfect Lent book for you. You may have seen my upcoming book, 40 Days with Labyrinths, well I have a discount code for you and a choice of two linked workshops. Woo hoo!

    Here’s the book on Darton, Longman and Todd’s website  Get 35% off using the code labyrinth at checkout.

    From Jan 27th, it will also be for sale from AmazonEden, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones etc and your favourite Christian bookstore (pre-order right now!)  I hope to have plentiful supplies at Launde Abbey and Ely Cathedral, where you can walk full-sized labyrinths as well.

    I am also running a series of labyrinth workshops to go with the book – the perfect introduction to this ancient spiritual practice and a great way to jump-start your Lent. Here’s a flyer. Right-click to download and share as you will.

    workshop flyer

  • Oooh – get me being all techy!

    Oooh – get me being all techy!

    sumup machineI know, I know. According to my birth date I should be a Boomer: tech-phobic and scuttling around in sensible shoes paying cash for things and communicating by letter (if not telegraph / messenger pigeon).

    But I’m not. I count myself a proud Gen X and I’ve got me a shiny new card machine. Cool beans!

    So when you catch me at the next book event, I’ll be able to take card payments for all those lovely books (WiFi willing, of course).

    Look out for me with my new tech at Launde Abbey at the end of January for the launch of my latest book, 40 Days with Labyrinths published by Darton, Longman and Todd (35% off at their website with code labyrinths). Sneaky-peeky below. Or you can just follow the link and see the whole thing. Kinda spoils the ‘Ooh what’s it like?’ mystery reveal thingy, but the pic looks cool anyway.
